Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Okay, I've come up with an idea that has nothing at all to do with global warming. I don't know if it will work as an SRP topic but I think it has potential. I want to test facial recognition between people of different cultures. In other words, does someone asian find it harder to distinguish anglo-saxon faces than other asian faces and vice-versa.
I got the idea in history when my teacher, straying from the topic of the Vietnam War, somehow got onto the topic of facial recognition between cultures. According to him studies have actually been conducted to show that, in his words, people from one culture who haven't been exposed to other cultures think that everyone from that foreign culture look the same.
I spoke to Ms Zhang about it, who confirmed that a lot of studies have been carried out into this area of research. However she also said that it might not be feasible on the small scale I would be conducting it on and there are too many variables. So at the moment I really don't know what to do. Ms Zhang thinks that the global warming experiment would be better but the only problem with that is that I don't have an actual experiment in mind. My next step is....research. Lots of it I think, if I'm going to be able to determine whether the facial recognition will work. Wish me luck.

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