Thursday, June 17, 2010


Yes! I just finished!!!!!!!!!! Except now my printer's not working...Will this never end??!!!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

2 days to go... a bit less actually

Got the criteria sheet of Bonny last night. It includes a diagram in the method. Is that nescessary? It doesn't really apply to my experiment, does it? What would I draw, a stick figure sitting in front of a rectangle (meant to be a computer)? I went to ask Ms Zhang after school today when I got back from cross country but she wasn't in the staffroom, so I still don't know.
Also, I've had 2 more results emailed to me, thanks very much, but I'm still waiting on 5. Come on guys, it's due in less than 2 days! I am really appreciative of people who are getting friends of theirs to do my experiment, but I really need the results, now. I can't anaylse the results, write a discussion and conslusion (more than 1/2 the project) until I have the results!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Aaaaaaarrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just found out from Bonny that there's a criteria sheet I never got!!!!!!!!!!!! Starting to panic!!!!!!!! far

This is my awesome table.
Please no one be offended. I checked with Ms Zhang and she said it's alright to use the term "white" in my report.
*In the top corner, where it says Race &, it should say Race & Gender.

I'm hoping that slow and steady will win the race

I finished writing the method yesterday. Haven't started the discussion yet because I haven't tested everyone yet, but I have made an awesome results table. I had planned to be finished the tests by this stage but, although I'd planned when to meet everyone, some people just didn't turn up, which is really not helpful. But never mind, my friend manged to rope in her younger brother along with one of her brother's asian friends, one of her brother's anglo friends and that friend's older sister. I'm still one asian guy short (because people didn't turn up!) but I think, if I can't find someone else, I'll be able to cut back the number of volunteers. I know that in a previous blog I said I already had the minimum (30), but I actually had 32, because I thought I needed equal numbers from all four groups. But one of the reports I found used not equal numbers of males and females within their racial categories so, if it's good enough for the scientists, it's certainly good enough for me. Now I will have 15 from each race instead of 16: 8 girls and 7 guys.

Also my last, rather incoherent blog (which had a couple of embarrassing typos, if any one's read the comments) mentioned that I was researching the different causes of the cross-race effect (which from now on I'll just call CRE or cre), but didn't go into details. Well, the actual reason for the CRE is not known, however scientists do have a couple of theories.
The most widely accepted one is that it's simply caused by lack of contact with the other culture; the observer just isn't used to the other faces and so is unable to recognise them as well. This is the reason I'm focusing on. I'm saying that as 16.9% of Sydney's population is of Asian background, Asian and Anglo teens in Sydney have a considerable amount of contact with each other. Therefore, if this theory is indeed the cause of the cre, there should not be a significant level of own-race bias present amongst this group.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Ummm...the confusion and tiredness are setting in

I just finished the first draft of my introduction, but I'm really not sure if I've done it properly. I ended up referencing the 2009 school report! I think I'm probably the only person who's ever done that in their SRP. It's not as random as it may sound. While I was researching I found some information on the suggested causes of the cross-race effect, which sounded more interecsting than reading heaps of reports on just testing the cross-race effect (which, by the way, were quite hard to come by, as most you had to pay for). So instead I spent a lot of time looking at possible causes and tests of these causes and so now my aim includes seeing if its likely that a particular cause is the possible cause. And so I referenced the school report as well as the 2006 census to see the percentage of Asians in Sydney and at school. I realise that wasn't very clear, but I just had to get the fact that I referenced the report off my chest. I intend to upload a more coherent description of my research and report tomorrow.
Oh, btw, I've tested two more people since this morning.

On my way (and do you like the new background?)

I just changed my blog background, I think it makes a nice happy change to the previous dark spots. Anyway, I started conducting my experiment yesterday. I haven't analysed the results because I'm not really sure how to go about it. I can easily give the percentages of the asian and then anglo-saxon models that the volunteer correctly identified as having been in the previous slideshow, but what about the models that weren't in the previous slideshow but they thought were? But I'm not thinking about that just yet. My current aim is to write my introduction. I've been researching all morning and will be for the rest of the day. Well, better get back to it!