Tuesday, June 15, 2010

2 days to go... a bit less actually

Got the criteria sheet of Bonny last night. It includes a diagram in the method. Is that nescessary? It doesn't really apply to my experiment, does it? What would I draw, a stick figure sitting in front of a rectangle (meant to be a computer)? I went to ask Ms Zhang after school today when I got back from cross country but she wasn't in the staffroom, so I still don't know.
Also, I've had 2 more results emailed to me, thanks very much, but I'm still waiting on 5. Come on guys, it's due in less than 2 days! I am really appreciative of people who are getting friends of theirs to do my experiment, but I really need the results, now. I can't anaylse the results, write a discussion and conslusion (more than 1/2 the project) until I have the results!

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