Wednesday, May 12, 2010

more method...

So, that's my method. Now there are just a few more things to work out. First of all, I forgot to mention this in my last post, each slide show will have an equal number of Asian models (equal number of males and females) and Anglo-Saxon models (equal number of males and females).
The other thing I have to work out is how long to leave between the study and test. I'm not sure whether to do them on the same day; either leaving an hour in between or performing them right after each other, or to leave a considerable amount of time in between. One experiment I read about left 3 weeks between study and test, but it seems like that would be more memory testing than just own-race bias. Another option is to perform more than one test e.g. one week after the study, then 3 weeks after the study. I suppose then I would have to change the aim a bit to include not only "to determine whether a person from one race is able to distinguish between faces of their own race more accurately than those of another race" but also something like "and whether these results change after a period of time".
My current plan is to leave one hour between the study and first test and then one week between the study and second test.

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