Monday, May 3, 2010

Umm..., I've come across a few bumps in the road. Basically all the little but vital details that, when I decided to go with the facial recognition experiment, I thought "I'll work it out later". Well, that later has come, but unfortunately the answers to all my problems haven't.
First of all, I need volunteers. I wanted at least 32 between the ages of 14 and 17: 16 anglo-saxons who were born and raised in Australia (8 boys, 8 girls) and 16 Asians who were born in Asia and have been in Australia for less than 10 years (8 boys, 8 girls). It turns out that it's harder than I thought to find 32 people who fit my specifications. I've got enough anglo girls and I think enough guys (I just haven't asked them all yet). I have 2 asian girls and 1, only 1, asian guy. So I've got a few solutions, sort of:
1. Go round to every person in my grade, then perhaps in other grades until I find enough girls, and hopefully some of them will have brothers.
2. Maybe increase my age restrictions if I still don't have enough.
3. Decrease the number of volunteers (but I really don't want to as I think I've got the minimum as it is).
4. If worse comes to worst, don't have the separate genders; either blend them of cut the guys completely.
Now, to the other problems I'm facing.
1. I was going to use pictures of models, but I need more than one picture of each model and how do i get those?
2. I need to work out the questions to ask in my experiment. At the moment I don't have much of an idea.
1. don't know
2. Research. Try and get a copy of that report I've mentioned in previos blogs and see how they carried out their (more advanced, more acurate) experiment.
NOTE: I also have to get the permission notes written.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There's so much to do!
Also, I apologise for the way this blog rambles on. Well, my username isn't jabbering jess for nothing.

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