Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Ideally, I would conduct the studies and tests for all the volunteers on the same day at the same time at the same location (I was thinking a park), in case different surroundings, time of day or weather affected their thinking abilities. Actually, if we're talking about ideally, it would have been good to get a little plain room where I could test them one at a time, sort of like the police interrogation rooms on tv.
Sadly, when I perform this experiment it won't be ideal. I won't be able to control all the variables. Originally I thought I could get everyone together in a park near my house, but as I've had to ask friends of friends, I think it would be rather presumptuous of me to ask them all to come out of their ways for my experiment. Instead I'm going to have to carry out the studies and first tests over at least a week, all in different locations. Hopefully I'll be able to have them all either indoors (assuming that wherever I have to go there is some sort of building) or outdoors (which will be rather impractical if it rains).

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